Forefoot Dilemmas

Forefoot Dilemmas

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CPME CE credit available: 1.00 hr
Total Run Time: 0hr 52m 38s
Format: Online, non-downloadable, video file
Release Date: July 2020
Expiration Date: July 2023

Method of Participation:
1. View the Lectures
2. Complete CME Test (70% Passing Score)
3. Complete Evaluation

William R. Adams, II, DPM, FACFAS

Financial Disclosures: Consultant for Orthofix and Gensano, American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Board of Directors, and Kentucky State Board of Podiatry, Board of Directors.

Michelle L. Butterworth, DPM, FACFAS

Dr. Butterworth attended the Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine, followed by a surgical residency at the University of Pennsylvania Health Systems/Presbyterian Medical Center.  She currently lives in Kingstree, Sc and is employed by the Medical University of South Carolina. 

Dr. Butterworth is a Past President of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.  She is currently the President-Elect for the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery (ABFAS).  She is also Chairman of their Communications Committee and a member of the Exam Prep Task Force and Credentials Committee.  She has also served on the Cognitive Exam Committee, Online Study Guide Committee, and Bylaws task force.  She is also a member of the PICA Medical Advisory Committee and is Immediate Past Chairman of the Podiatry Institute. She is also Past President of the South Carolina Podiatric Medical Association.

Financial Disclosures: Consultant, advisor or speaker for PICA, PICA Claims Committee, PI Board of Directors, ABFAS Online Study Guide and Credentials Committee, AAFAO Speaker, SCPMA Education and Legislative Committee Chairman, Chief of Medical Staff at Williamsburg Regional Hospital, Director, Talar Capital Partners.

Matthew E. Williams, DPM, FACFAS

Dr. Williams is an attending foot and ankle surgeon at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health in Seattle Washington.  He is currently a member of the ACFAS board of directors, and teaching faculty for ACFAS surgical skills courses.   He is also past president of the American Board of Foot & Ankle Surgeons.

Financial Disclosures: Nothing to disclose.

Harry P. Schneider, DPM, FACFAS

Financial Disclosures: Osiris Therapeutics, Board of Trustees at Massachusetts Podiatric Medical Society, ABFAS Case Reviewer, and CPME Site Reviewer.


OCD Metatarsal Head - What Are My Options?
Open to view video.
Open to view video. William R. Adams, II, DPM, FACFAS Financial Disclosures: Consultant for Orthofix and Gensano, American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Board of Directors, and Kentucky State Board of Podiatry, Board of Directors.
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Michelle L. Butterworth, DPM, FACFAS Financial Disclosures: Consultant, advisor or speaker for Pica, is on the PICA Claims Committee, PI and AAFAO Boards of Directors, ABFAS Cognitive Exam and Credentials Committee, SCPMA Education and Legislative Committees Chairman, Chief of Medical Staff at Williamsburg Regional Hospital and Director, Talar Capital Partners.
Metatarsal Stress Fractures - Is There a Place for Surgery?
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Matthew E. Williams, DPM, FACFAS Financial Disclosures: Past President, ABFAS
Chronic Sesamoid Fractures
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Harry P. Schneider, DPM, FACFAS Financial Disclosures: Speaker for Osiris Therapeutic, consultant for Solsys Medical, ABFAS Case Reviewer, CPME Site Reviewer, and serves on the ad hoc CPME 320 Update Commiteee.
Forefoot Dilemmas - CME Test
6 Questions  |  5 attempts  |  5/6 points to pass
6 Questions  |  5 attempts  |  5/6 points to pass You have 5 attempts to Pass this test.
Forefoot Dilemmas - Evaluation
7 Questions
1.00 CPME CE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CPME CE credit  |  Certificate available