Women's Virtual Symposium OnDemand - Challenging Cases/Challenges in the Profession

  • Register
    • Non-Member Education - $280
    • Member - $225
    • Resident - $95
    • Academic Group - $95

Learning Objectives – Attendees will be able to:

  1. Hear examples of sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and other difficulties pertaining to being a female surgeon and how to overcome those obstacles.
  2. Learn surgical pearls related to trauma, hallux valgus, nerve injuries, limb salvage, minimally invasive surgery, and flatfoot reconstruction.
  3. Be able to critique surgical complications and apply fundamental principles to recover from those complications.
  4. Learn how to become more involved in the College through volunteer opportunities, committees, fellowship, and other career development opportunities.
  5. Understand the intricacies of burnout and imposter syndrome and how to overcome them through self-branding.
  6. Have the opportunity to share their own anecdotal stories related to the content and ask questions pertaining to the lectures.

Brandi Johnson, DPM, FACFAS

Brandi M. Johnson, DPM, FACFAS, is in private practice outside of Tampa, FL. I am honored to be the co-chair of the Virtual Resident's Day Forum.

Meagan M. Jennings, DPM, FACFAS

Silicon Valley Foot & Ankle Reconstruction Fellowship

Financial Disclosures: Speaker for DePuy Synthes and Stryker and on the TendoNova Advisory Board.

Shital Sharma, DPM, FACFAS

Dr. Sharma practices with New York Sports and Joint in the New Jersey/New York area and is the program director at CarePoint Health - Hoboken University Medical Center. She is a Healthtech consultant for Converse Health, a tech company focused on using machine learning/AI for operational efficiency in healthcare. She also founded the Artificial Intelligence Club at Cornell while pursuing her MBA at Cornell University. She has been in practice for 11 years. 

MaryEllen Brucato, DPM, FACFAS

Dr. Brucato is the owner and CEO of Brucato Foot & Ankle Surgery in Clifton, NJ. She has been in private practice for 10 years and opened up her own practices five years ago. She now oversees two offices with a total of three doctors and 20 employees. Dr. Brucato is the chair of the ACFAS Practice Management Committee. 

Lisa Levick-Doane, DPM, FACFAS

Lisa Levick-Doane, DPM FACFAS practices in the Chicagoland area and is faculty for the RUSH residency program. She serves on the ACFAS Education Scientific Affairs Committee, notably chairing the All Womens Symposium and the Complications Course. Dr. Levick is the original founder and CEO of BoardsBlast, the premier board prep company for those seeking certificaiton through the American Board of Foot & Ankle Surgery.

Lisbeth Marie Keplinger, DPM, FACFAS

Thanh L. Dinh, DPM, FACFAS

Financial Disclosures: ABFAS Cognitive Exam Committee Case Reviewer, and has received grant/research funding from NIH.

Amber M. Shane, DPM, FACFAS

Financial Disclosures: BESPA Global, Stryker, Trilliant, ABFAS Communication Committee Member, the Florida Hospital Chair, Dept of Podiatric Surgery.

Laura Sansosti, DPM, FACFAS

Michelle L. Butterworth, DPM, FACFAS

Dr. Butterworth attended the Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine, followed by a surgical residency at the University of Pennsylvania Health Systems/Presbyterian Medical Center.  She currently lives in Kingstree, Sc and is employed by the Medical University of South Carolina. 

Dr. Butterworth is a Past President of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.  She is currently the President-Elect for the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery (ABFAS).  She is also Chairman of their Communications Committee and a member of the Exam Prep Task Force and Credentials Committee.  She has also served on the Cognitive Exam Committee, Online Study Guide Committee, and Bylaws task force.  She is also a member of the PICA Medical Advisory Committee and is Immediate Past Chairman of the Podiatry Institute. She is also Past President of the South Carolina Podiatric Medical Association.

Financial Disclosures: Consultant, advisor or speaker for PICA, PICA Claims Committee, PI Board of Directors, ABFAS Online Study Guide and Credentials Committee, AAFAO Speaker, SCPMA Education and Legislative Committee Chairman, Chief of Medical Staff at Williamsburg Regional Hospital, Director, Talar Capital Partners.

Jennifer C. Van, DPM FACFAS

Financial Disclosures: Holds financial interest with BoardsBlast.

Jennifer Spector, DPM, FACFAS


Women's Virtual Symposium Recording
Recorded 04/22/2023
Recorded 04/22/2023 Please note: The video will open up in a separate window - which you can maximize to full screen. You may need to enable pop-ups in your browser window.
Women's Symposium - Quiz
19 Questions  |  5 attempts  |  12/19 points to pass
19 Questions  |  5 attempts  |  12/19 points to pass
Women's Virtual Symposium - OnDemand - evaluation
18 Questions
6.00 CME Credits credits  |  Certificate available
6.00 CME Credits credits  |  Certificate available The Women's Virtual Symposium OnDemand qualifies for 6 CME hours.